Proactive maintenance: convincing leadership of its benefits

Proactive maintenance aims to identify the root causes of failures in assets and prevent them from causing irreversible damage to equipment. Learn more about the concept of proactive maintenance, the strategies involved, and how predictive maintenance relates to it.

Cavitation in industrial pumps: understand this phenomenon

Cavitation is a phenomenon characterized by vaporization and bubble formation caused by changes in pressure. Cavitation failures can affect the operation of pumps and, in some cases, totally compromise the equipment. Read this article and learn more about what cavitation is, how to avoid it and how to solve this problem.

Wireless sensors identify defects in difficult-to-access trippers

Dynamox, the wireless sensor monitoring solution specialist, along with Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of packaging paper, presents another success case in conveyor belting. In this case, the tripper of a belt conveyor that is difficult to access and crucial to production processes is monitored by Dynamox’s TcAg wireless sensors. Monitoring the asset using… Continue reading Wireless sensors identify defects in difficult-to-access trippers