Predictive maintenance at Nexa generates a saving of USD 134,600 and 18 days of production

Dynamox’s predictive maintenance solution allows clients to often replace corrective interventions with planned interventions, saving time, productivity, and money. This is what happened in another Nexa success case, which relies on an excellent team in its AMC (Asset Monitoring Center) combined with the Dynamox solution.

Wireless sensors identify defects in difficult-to-access trippers

Dynamox, the wireless sensor monitoring solution specialist, along with Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of packaging paper, presents another success case in conveyor belting. In this case, the tripper of a belt conveyor that is difficult to access and crucial to production processes is monitored by Dynamox’s TcAg wireless sensors. Monitoring the asset using… Continue reading Wireless sensors identify defects in difficult-to-access trippers

Sensors identify potential failure in EX-classified area

Dynamox’s wireless sensors are Ex-certified, which means they are properly protected and suitable for safe use in hazardous areas. Therefore, our solution can monitor a Motor-Pump set, a highly critical asset, located in an Ex-classified area. Ex-classified areas are those where there is a possibility of an explosion, either due to the way they operate,… Continue reading Sensors identify potential failure in EX-classified area

Sensitive Inspection automates Vale’s Lift Line routes

Lift Lines are pieces of safety equipment that complies with Brazilian standard NR-35, which is essential for Vale’s teams working at height. Line inspection is considered a CAR activity (critical activity requirement). On the Vitória-Minas Railroad (Estrada de Ferro Vitória-Minas (EFVM)), which currently has 88 lift lines, the process was poorly automated, generating more exposure… Continue reading Sensitive Inspection automates Vale’s Lift Line routes