Sensors identify potential failure in EX-classified area

Dynamox’s wireless sensors are Ex-certified, which means they are properly protected and suitable for safe use in hazardous areas. Therefore, our solution can monitor a Motor-Pump set, a highly critical asset, located in an Ex-classified area. Ex-classified areas are those where there is a possibility of an explosion, either due to the way they operate,… Continue reading Sensors identify potential failure in EX-classified area

Sensitive Inspection automates Vale’s Lift Line routes

Lift Lines are pieces of safety equipment that complies with Brazilian standard NR-35, which is essential for Vale’s teams working at height. Line inspection is considered a CAR activity (critical activity requirement). On the Vitória-Minas Railroad (Estrada de Ferro Vitória-Minas (EFVM)), which currently has 88 lift lines, the process was poorly automated, generating more exposure… Continue reading Sensitive Inspection automates Vale’s Lift Line routes

Dynamox detects a failure in a fluosilicic circulating pump

A large multinational potash and phosphate fertilizer producer relies on Dynamox’s predictive solution to monitor its assets, which has helped detect a failure in a circulating pump. The fluosilicic circulating pump is responsible for purifying the water in the production process. For this reason, HF+ wireless sensors have been installed, which can identify possible failures… Continue reading Dynamox detects a failure in a fluosilicic circulating pump