The vibration analysts of one of Brazil’s largest fertilizer producers, when analyzing the graphs provided by the Dynamox Platform, noticed that a circulating pump showed an increase in vibration levels throughout the whole set. The graphs also indicated an increase in the amplitude of the pump’s rotation frequency and blade passage.
After checking the plant’s chemical washing period, they found that 20 days had passed, when the recommended period is 15 days. A chemical wash was then requested, and the vibration levels of the asset returned to their normal conditions, as shown in the RMS velocity graph below:

In the spectral waterfall, it is possible to observe the evolution of the unbalance in more detail, with an increase in vibration levels in the pump blade frequency.
The following waveform graphs also show the difference between the magnitude of the velocity values. In the peak-to-peak metric of the axial shaft, for example, the values decreased from 120 mm/s to 13 mm/s after asset intervention.

Learn more about the Dynamox platform
The Dynamox Platform is a constantly evolving environment, which aims to provide users with relevant functionalities for asset management.
It includes the following macro functionalities:
Initial dashboard: a dashboard to support decision-making with comprehensive information which sorts the spots monitored by the sensors in descending order, from most to least critical, according to the alarms configured.
Data history: provides information on the machine’s operating time and downtime. It features a timeline, above the graphs, in which any user can learn about the events that have occurred at the monitored spot.
Spectral analysis: graphs that display data in the acceleration, velocity and displacement domains. Check out some of the other tools: frequency domain spectra and waveform, envelope with various filter ranges, high-pass, low-pass and band-pass filters, cursors and various harmonics and a logarithmic scale to highlight frequencies at low speed.
Asset tree: the starting point for asset management. It provides a hierarchical organization of plants and monitored assets.
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